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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chawan wat??

HeY classmates n sch-mates!!!
Hmph, 2dae, thursday, so sch starts later
When i'm at storey 1, i can actually hear Mdm Fang shouting
1st lesson, Literature!!!
oh gawd...
nxt is recess!!!
N there comes music
remember to study for nxt week test
Maths arrives in class, study percentage
easy siahh
den Mr Khairul prefer us to use the ratio method instead of the p6 method
den Vishnuu very angry siahh, say Mr Khairul *toot*
dont 4get to do hwmk
Homec in last two period
cook the err, chawan mushi issit??
wadeva it's called
then NPCC go dunno wad, so some rearrangement has to be done
is ur food nice?? coz mine nt
den home-sweet-home everyone